
Profit4 connects directly to your Shopify store, keeping data aligned between front-end and back-end systems. It manages inventory, standard pricing, orders and shipments across multiple Shopify stores, allowing critical information to be easily accessible to everyone in the business.

Linking your eCommerce store to ERP is vital in helping to achieve business growth and maintaining a high level of customer service.

Full visibility

Improve order accuracy with up to date stock levels across all departments.

Having a central hub where all departments can access near real-time data is key when working in an ever-changing environment, allowing you to analyse and act on trends.

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Profit4 Sales Dashboard syncing with Shopify web order
Business Owner viewing automated tasks on a laptop

Reduce manual data entry  

They’ll be no more manually re-keying sales orders, enabling you to process higher volumes of orders without increasing your staff overheads.

This improves customer service, efficiency and frees up time to develop and focus on the other areas of your business.

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Sync stock seamlessly

Our two-way, automated near real-time stock management updates all channels whenever you make a sale, eliminating overselling and duplicate information across multiple systems.

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Shopify website syncing with Profit4