Setting Up Commercial Invoices Post Brexit

January 19, 2021
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5-min read

Overview and Setup for Working with Commercial Invoices Post Brexit

This document provides a walkthrough of the settings required for Commercial Invoices. We recommend you also familiarise yourself with our release notes.

Your Company EORI Number should be entered in the Company Details Screen.

Your customer's EORI number can be recorded in the Sales Ledger Customer Details Screen (bottom left of the screen).

Your supplier's EORI number can be recorded in the Supplier Details (top right of the screen).

Step 1

In the Invoicing / Pricing Parameters the following settings need to be applied.

Tick the Parameter for Commercial Invoices; this advises the system that Commercial Invoices are required.   Further settings are required against those countries or Northern Ireland customers that require a Commercial Invoice.

Choose the Default Commercial Invoice Layout to be used, options are *CI01B, *CI01C and *CI02A.
** Please note these are generic layouts.
** Please note the layouts are under current review and will updated in Release 66.

Tick Commodity Cd Summary if you wish to print a summary of the commodity codes and the commodity descriptions assigned to the items appearing on Sales Invoice.   This extra detail will appear at the end of the Invoice.
** Note - all this information must be pre-set on the system.
** Example of how the Summary of Commodity Codes will appear is shown at the end of this document.

Tick Customs Declarations if, in the future, you wish to report on countries where declarations have been used.
** Note - further programming work is required in this area, but with the Parameter ticked, the details will be collating behind the scenes.

Step 2

Within the EC VAT Menu, choose the option for Setup EC Country Codes and VAT Rates.  By ticking the Invoice Parameters for Commercial Invoices and Customs Declarations, this screen will now have 2 new tick boxes on the far righthand side of the screen, headed CI for Commercial Invoice and Cst for Customs Declarations.

From the bottom bar either choose the Add option to setup a new Country Code, or the Change option to change the highlighted Country Code to tick the Commercial Invoice and Declarations fields, for those countries requiring this additional information post Brexit.

There is also an additional field to enter a reference for any Approved Exporters, see example screen below.

** Note - the Country Codes used should be ISO standard codes, found on the HMRC Website.
** Other details such as VAT Reg Number, Registration Date, Date Last Cleared etc are only required if your company is registered for VAT in that country.

Step 3

Within Stock Control and Setup Reference Tables, there are 3 new programs. These programs are only accessible via the Permission settings (if you can not see these new programs, please ask your system administrator for access).

The new options are;

  • Setup up Commodity Codes
  • Setup Import and Export Licences
  • Setup Import Tariffs

Setup Commodity Codes
This screen is used to store the description of the Commodity Codes to be used on Sales Invoice and / or Commercial Invoice.

There is an Import option available, if this is preferable to manually adding the Commodity Codes and Descriptions in this screen.

Setup Import and Export Licences

This program will only be used if your company holds specific licences to allow the Import or Export on certain dangerous or controlled items.

Choosing Add from the bottom bar will open up the window below for you to complete the relevant details, ie.

  • Is the licence required for Import or Export?
  • Entry of the Country Code and Commodity Code covering the range of Items (descriptions will automatically pull through).
  • Entry of the Licence Description and Licence Number.
  • Tick Controlled Goods if required.
  • Entry of the date the Licence expires (if applicable).

Setup Import Tariffs
Tariffs are not currently in use.

Step 4

In the Stock Details screen, details for Country of Origin, Commodity Code, Weight and Packed Weight need to be entered, against any items that may be imported or exported.

The Origin field is on the left hand side of the screen beneath the Group, Type and Category, and the country flag will be displayed.

The Origin will need to have been pre-listed in the Setup Country Codes screen, using the code from the ISO standard listing available on HMRC Website.

In the bottom left corner of the Stock Details screen, the Commodity Code will need to be entered, together with both the Weight and the Packed Weight of the Item.

** Note - the Commodity Code has a Suffix field available.
For exporting stock, the standard 8 character code is sufficient. For importing, the extra 2 digits are required for Tariff purposes.
** To enable the Suffix field, please go to the Stock Parameters. In the bottom right-hand corner of Miscellaneous section of the screen, there is a new tick box for Tariffs, this will need to be ticked.

** Note - the stock codes can only hold one Country of Origin against them.
If you have a stock item that you could buy in from more than one Country, the following options are available:

  • Setup different stock code(s) for the same item, where the differing Counties of Origin can be held.
  • Or, make the Stock item Traceable, where the Country of Origin can be held against the receiving batch.   When allocating stock the user will be able to choose which Batch (Country) to use.  Allocation Method could be set to Automatic via a Parameter choice.

When picking and dispatching, it is essential the same allocated batch is chosen from the warehouse, otherwise this could cause delay or refusal at Customs.

** Note - if choosing to use traceability, this will change the way you work, and stationery changes will be required to print the batch traceable number.

** Note - There are other new settings which may be applicable to your company.

  • Stock Control - Setup Reference Tables - Setup Depots - New tick box if the depot is within Northern Ireland.  (This tick box is only available if NI Protocol is enabled in Company Details).
  • Stock Control - Setup Reference Tables - Setup Depot Address - New Country Code to the right of the Postcode, can be entered if the Depot is in another Country.
  • Also in the Setup Depot Address screen, there are new fields for EORI Number, XI EORI Number and EU EORI Number, these will only be required if the depot is not GB based and the numbers are different to the company's numbers.
  • Within Stock Component List, there is a new field for Packed Weight.
  • Stock Control Parameters - there is a new tick box for Calculate Packed Weight, this will calculate the Packed Weight from the Components.
  • Purchase Order Parameters - 2 new parameters are available as tick boxes in the Prompts screen, for Confirm Customs Procedure Codes at either Entry and/or Receipt.   A Default can be entered in the Mandatory and Defaults screen of the Purchase Order Parameters.
  • Refer to HMRC for more details on the 7-digit Customs Procedure Code (CPC).
  • Company Details - there is a tick box for Postponed VAT Accounting, this is for use with Imports only.   Further details will be included in the Release 66 documentation.
  • Company Details - Enter the reference number for the Duty Deferment Account.

Step 5

For customers in Northern Ireland the instructions for requirement of Commercial Invoice is slightly different.  In the Setup Country Codes, the Code IE for Ireland relates to Southern Ireland.

Within the Sales Ledger Customer Details screen there is a new tick box for Commercial Invoices, this should be ticked for Customers in Northern Ireland, where the VAT Indicator is UK and the customer has a Postcode starting with BT.

With all the new settings in place your sales order will be entered as normal.

When the order is dispatched, additional dispatch information needs to be entered for inclusion on the Commercial Invoice and the Delivery Note must be printed.

** Note - at present only one Country of Origin can be specified and only one set of Dimensions can be entered.

** Note - at present this information is entered at point of dispatch and cannot be changed.

In Release 66, print tags will allow the country of origin to be printed per line, based on the country recorded against the stock item or batch. Additionally, it will be possible to record more than one set of dimensions by entering ‘MULTI' in the Dimensions field - this will then display a table to record multiple sets of dimension details.  

It will also be possible to enter or amend the Commercial Invoice Vessel Name/Flight No, Port of Loading, Port Of Discharge, Place Of Delivery, Single Country Of Origin, Terms Of Delivery, Terms Of Payment and Dimensions after the sales invoice has been calculated.

Once the Invoice has been calculated there will be no further opportunity to make any changes, without crediting and re-entry of order and re-invoicing.

After the sales order has been dispatched and approved for invoice, invoice calculation will be carried out in your usual method of working.

From Invoicing and Pricing, Calculate Invoice from Orders option, choose the option to Print Calculated Invoices.

Click on Report and print the sales invoice as usual.

See example below, which shows the Commodity Code Summary.

Click on the CommInv button to print the Commercial Invoice.

In the Commercial Invoice screen you can specify the customer account number and invoice number for a single Commercial Invoice, or leave the fields blank to print all newly calculated invoices.

** Note - there is a reprint tick box on the right-hand side of the screen, which can be ticked to reprint a previously printed Commercial Invoice.    This could be a current or archived invoice.
** Note - when clicking on the Commercial Invoice button, if you have a message ‘you do not have access to this program', please contact OGL Support Team on 01299 873873 and they will be able to download this program for you.
** Note - once the program has been downloaded, you will need to have your permissions amended by your System Administration to allow you access.

Example One - Sales Invoice with Commodity Code Summary

Example Two - Commercial Invoice using Layout *CI01C

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